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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Ghost Catcher 2012


Casts : William Feng, Bowie Tsang, Huo Si Yan

The legend has it that one day Zhong Kui and his friend Du Ping traveled a long way to take part in imperial examinations. Zhong won the examination but his title was forcefully taken by the emperor. Ashamed, humiliated, disgusted at this behavior Zhong committed suicide upon the palace gate. Later Du buried him. Zhong returned as ghost hunter and king of ghosts in Hell. He married off his sister to Du. But this is not all with the ‘ghost rider’ Zhong. Stories from Tang dynasty states that one day the emperor Xuanzong dreamed that one small ghost stole away the purse of imperial consort. Another bigger ghost captured the smaller one and returned the purse. This ghost was the one and only ghost hunter Zhong Kui. Zhong has a reputation with Chinese people as a protector from ghosts and evil spirits. That’s why people in China, especially those who believe in Feng Shui, have this ghost rider’s picture hung up on their walls and business farms.


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