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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Merlin Season 3


Casts : Colin Morgan, Anthony Head, Richard Wilson

A year after her flight from Camelot, Morgana is found,dishevelled and bruised in the forest,claiming abduction by bandits. Superficially contrite and charming,she is still in league with Morghause,for whom she collects tears shed by Pendragon. These are used to curse him and fashion a doll from mandrake,which Morgana places under his bed.It slowly starts to drive him mad and, as he begins to hallucinate,seeing ghosts,Morghause approaches rival king Cenred to invade the weakened kingdom,having first taken Merlin prisoner. However Merlin summons the Great Dragon to come and free him.

The Great Dragon returns Merlin to Camelot,where he convinces Gaius of Morgana’s treachery and they break the curse on Pendragon by burning the mandrake doll. Nonetheless they feel that he would not believe them if they exposed her and,whilst Cenred’s men lay siege to the castle, Morgana,using a rowan wood magic staff,creates an army of sword-wielding skeletons by magic to fight the knights inside Camelot. Merlin destroys the staff and the skeletons disintegrate and,as the tide turns in favour of Camelot,Cenred calls off the siege. Morgana,however,takes the credit for destroying the spell and is acclaimed by her foolish guardian.

Merlin finds a secret chamber and accidentally releases a Goblin, which wreaks havoc.

A heroic stranger causes trouble for Merlin after risking his life to save Arthur.

Fleeing enemies Merlin and Arthur take refuge in the Crystal Cave where magician Taliesin cures the wounded Arthur and shows Merlin a vision of the future in which Morgana stabs a sleeping Pendragon. Come her birthday Morgana is given a dagger by Arthur and steals into the king’s room,followed by Merlin,who uses magic to thwart her. She is temporarily put into a coma during which time Pendragon confides in Gaius that she is his natural daughter,a fact of which she is also aware. Gaius believes that Arthur should be told as now Morgana is a legitimate heir to throne and he stands in her way.


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