Casts : Devon Werkheiser, Justin Deeley, Nicole Forester
“Season of the Equinox, the witch besets her kill. One less soul in the town to know, taken against their will.” It is a bedtime story nearly every kid in the small town of Summerset has heard. A silly story passed down from generation to generation that offers just enough chills to keep the legend alive. This year is different. Seven year old Amanda Drake is swiped from her bedroom window. Rumors swirl. The Witch has returned. Always up for a good fright, and a chance to impress the girls, 18 year old Zach and his friends decide to sneak into the woods and find the mysterious old house where the legendary Witch supposedly lives. Unbeknownst to Zach, his younger brother Max and Max’s “girlfriend” Sammy sneak along. They all soon discover that folklore isn’t always myth and that bedtime stories sometimes come true. The Witch has indeed returned, intent on casting her magical spells to deceive, hunt and ultimately consume the local children – little ones to keep her young, older ones to…
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Monday, March 25, 2013
The Wicked

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