Casts : Annie Chen, George Hu, Dou Zhi Kong, Li Wei Wei
Yang Yi-ru, as a workaholic never had time for a holiday. After Yang Yi-ru was conned by her family and friends that she had been diagnosed with cancer and had only six months to live, she was sent aboard for a holiday to help her take a break from her job, before she even had time to respond to the shocking news she had just discovered. Still a state of shock from discovering she only had six months left, Yi-ru met Lan Shi-de, who was on a business trip. When Yi-ru told Shi-de that she only has six months left to live and that one of her dream was to get married and have kids, Shi-de proposed to Yi-ru. Not knowing that Shi-de actually had met her years ago and had fallen in love with her since that time, Yi-ru accepted his proposal.
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Sunday, March 17, 2013
Love Now

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